
Tingkatan RUH

Oleh : Hadrian Nataprawira

Beberapa tingkatan ruh atau tingkatan cahaya manusia untuk memahami isi Al Quran antara lain adalah sebagai berikut :
Yaitu ruh yang dapat menyadap segala sesuatu yang ditransfer oleh panca indera. Ruh ini adalah ruh dasar makhluk hidup.

Yaitu ruh yang merekam informasi yang disampaikan oleh panca indera, kemudian menyimpannya, selanjutnya dikirim ke ruh akal disaat ia memerlukannya.

Ketiga, RUH AQLI
Yaitu ruh yang dapat menyadap makna makna diluar indera dan khayal. Ruh ini merupakan substansi manusiawi yang tidak dimiliki oleh hewan, bayi atau anak kecil. ruh akal ini mempunyai daya sadap pengetahuan pengetahuan yang bersifat dharuri (aksiomatis) dan universal.

Keempat Ruh FIKRI
yaitu ruh pemikiran yang mengambil ilmu ilmu akal murni. Dari ruh ini timbul pemikiran pemikiran dualisme (tesis dan antitesis)yang selanjutnya menumbuhkan pemikiran yang sangat berharga. Kemudian dari tesis and antitesis ini timbulah sintesis. Akan tetapi dari sintesis ini timbul lagi tesis dan antitesis. begitulah hingga membentuk dialetika yang tiada kata akhir, yang menyebabkan pengetahuan itu kian hari kian bertambah.

yaitu ruh yang khusus dimiliki oleh para nabi dan sebagian para wali. Didalam ruh ini tersingkaplah lauh-lauh (catatan catatan) gaib. Disamping itu terbuka pula hukum hukum akhirat, pengetahuan pengetahuan tentang kerajaan langit dan bumi, bahkan terbuka pula pengetahuan pengetahuan rabbani (tentang ketuhanan) yang semua itu tidak dapat dijangkau oleh kemampuan akal dan pemikiran.

"Demikianlah Kami wahyukan kepadamu ruh ini dengan perintah Kami. Sebelumnya kamu tidak mengerti tentang apakah Al Kitab itu, juga apakah iman itu. Akan tetapi Kami jadikan Al Quran itu cahaya yang Kami tunjuki siaoa yang Kami kehendaki diantara hamba hamba Kami. dan sesungguhnya kamu benar benar memberi petunjuk kepada jalan yang lurus." (Q.S 42:52)

Kita tidak boleh berhenti di alam akal, sebab dibalik alam akal masih terdapat tingkatan alam lain yang tidak dapat dijamah oleh akal. Hal ini seperti alam yang terdapat dibalik (diatas) akal tamyiz dan akal inderawi, yang berisi muatan muatan tersingkapnya keajaiban keajaiban dan keanehan keanehan yang tidak terjamah ileh akal tamyiz dan inderawi.

Maka janganlah sekali sekali beranggapan bahwa kesempurnaan itu hanyalah milik anda !!
Lihatlah mereka yang mempunyai "dzauq syi’ri" (perasaan yang halus) yang hanya dimiliki oleh orang tertentu saja. Padahal perasaan itu merupakan jenis daya sadap yang tidak dimiliki oleh setiap orang Akibatnya orang yang tidak memiliki perasaan halus ini tidak dapat memberdakan antara nada irama yang indah, teratur, rapi dengan nada yang kacau dan sumbang.
Cobalah analogikan perumpamaan ini dengan dzauq kenabian yang sangat spesifik. Dari sana berupayalah untuk menjadi orang yang dapat memahami dan memiliki ilmu pengetahuan tentang perumpamaan itu, paling tidak anda harus termasuk golongan yang mempercayai ilmu sepertinya.
"Allah akan mengangkat orang orang beriman diantara kamu dan orang orang yang mempunyai ilmu pengetahuan beberapa derajat." (Q.S 58:11)

Ilmu berada diatas iman, dan dzauq berada diatas ilmu, dan ketahuilah bahwa dzauq itu adalah "wujdan" (perasaan yang sangat halus yang timbul di hati nurani) dan ilmu itu adalah analogi. Sedangkan iman adalah semata mata penerimaan dengan cara taklid dan berbaik sangka terhadap ahli wujdan dan ahli makrifat.
Setelah memahami kelima macam ruh daiatas, ketahuilah bahwa semua itu merupakan cahaya-cahaya, sebab dengan cahaya itu segala maujudat menjadi kelihatan. Sedangkan dua diantara berbagai ruh itu, yakni ruh inderawi dan ruh khayali dimiliki juga oleh hewan. Tetapi kedua macam ruh itu, dan yang berhubungan dengan manusia adalah lebih mulia dan lebih tinggi tingkatannya. Kedua ruh itu diciptakan pada diri manusia untuk tujuan yang lebih jelas dan lebih terang. Sedangkan tujuan dari diciptakannya ruh inderawi dan ruh khayali pada binatang semata mata untuk mencari makanan.

Adapun tujuan diciptakannya kedua ruh itu dalam diri manusia adalah sebagai sistem atau metode untuk menangkap dasar dasar ilmu pengetahuan agama yang mulia, yang terdapat di alam bawah (alam dunia). Sebab, jika manusia mengenal sesuatu dengan indera nya, maka lebih jauh melalui akalnya dia dapat menangkap makna yang umum dan mutlak.

Five Principles for Prosperity

Levy's Five Principles for Prosperity

Principle Number One: Enjoy Everything.

We should understand the world does not owe us a living. We will succeed or fail by the amount of Joy we have for the project we will call our work. The number one ingredient is enthusiasm and commitment for the job in hand.

We have to understand that very few things will go in the direction we desire and the more we practice our skills, the luckier we will become. We manufacture our own luck, and recognizing opportunities is the key to success.

Every viewpoint, in every business day, has to be explored. Never say no to anything until we have examined every possibility and outcome. Even if we find that it is not what we desire, we leave the door open for future development. If we are only interested in what we can get out of any action of the moment, we are doomed for failure.

Principle Number Two: Give First.

A key ingredient in a successful venture is giving rather than taking. In other words give the best and you will receive the best. If you do not have the ability to give the best, keep on trying different approaches until you can give the best. Whatever you give you will get back in abundance.

There are those who have achieved money and status by devious means. They may have all the trappings of the luxury lifestyle, but they do not possess the clear mind to enjoy the fruits of their labor. Therefore, they are not a success to themselves.

All the stresses and strains of cheating will one day manifest into an illness. You can mislead other people but you cannot lie to your immune system. So, it pays big dividends to give others a helping hand up the ladder of success.

Principle Number Three: Overcome Adversity.

Enjoy the failures more than the successes. Understand there is no such thing as failure. Each lesson learnt, is a lesson gained. Just don't keep making the same mistakes. Everything is a gain, gain situation. Negative people are our stepping stones to wealth. The more they tell us it can't be done, the more energy they give us to get the job done successfully. Adversities are sent to test our resolve. Become a good hurdler and learn how to jump over them.

If we require an answer to a difficult problem we need to solve, we ask any questions we need to solve, a few minutes before we go to sleep-and then forget about it. We then go into a sound, deep sleep.

The next morning, on awakening, we may get an idea from "out-of-the-blue" that solves the issue. If not that morning, then it may take more time to solve. Ask the question every night until the matter resolves itself…and it surely will!

Principle Number Four: Stay Debt-Free.

It is far better to walk before we can run. We must not pile up too much debt. If we cannot afford something, then we work a little harder and longer until we have the funds to expand. I know this is not the modern way of thinking and there are always exceptions to the rule, but being debt-free sure makes for 'Peaceful Sleep.' Being 'Under Pressure' to pay bills is no way to live. Our purpose is to enjoy life and our labor must be a labor of love without demands.

Principle Number Five: Enjoy Endurance.

Remember the three P's: Patience, Persistence, Perseverance. If we trust in our ‘True Self,' we cannot fail. As long as we are enjoying our business activities in the same way as we enjoy our leisure, success is assured.

If it takes a few years more than we thought to achieve our goal, then so much the better, because we have more time to gain extra experience… It will allow for more time to exhibit to people that we are trustworthy and reliable.

Integrity cannot be bought, therefore once we gain authentic credibility, everything else we do eases into its appropriate space. It will eventually mean other business people will regard us as experts in our field. We have mastered time and space.

With the five principles for prosperity deposited into our memory banks, we are ready to build new bridges. Network with all the new and innovative companies in our field.

We are constantly entering new areas of High-Technology. Business today needs new innovation and leadership to succeed. This is year 2005 and new dimensions of thought are needed for success. Therefore, it is now more important than ever to project the five principles of prosperity.

We will also need to understand how to overcome and eliminate worry and anxiety. It is essential to find inner peace and harmony to relieve the burdens of stress.

By allowing our minds the freedom of silence that transcends to higher dimensions, we will find infinite possibilities. Our potential for success is only limited by what we think we know.

That type of limitation can cause great pressure, therefore we require an objective detachment from outside events we cannot control. We can only execute what we are able to perform-and what seems impossible at one moment, we can do at another appropriate-moment-in-time.

When we open our imagination (image-maker), we open the doorway to success. Every human mind has a wormhole in the deepest section of the brain that can take the mind's thoughts into what Einstein called the ‘Creative Mind of God.' Einstein declared that he wanted to know what God is thinking, everything else is mere details…and so it is.

It is never too late in life to explore your mind's links to creativity

Even when we retire from our occupation, we must never retire from life. The secret to retirement is to keep an active mind. I have a friend aged eighty-seven who still enjoys working as a realtor, selling apartments. He tells me it makes him feel like a young pup. There are many hobbies we can enjoy and maybe they will make money? Regular exercise will keep us healthy and it also keeps the sex drive in gear. Aging signifies that life is still a joyride to an active mind.

Just one other point…It is important to note that we will never actual own anything. We only possess what we can take on our eternal journey. We are just renting space and time, so our success is not measured by our bank balance. We live in a materialistic world and to become truly prosperous we need to ascertain that, when we reverse our conditioned mind's way of thinking, we find …( in whatever form our image-creation observes) creativity. A Universal spirit guiding us on an authentic life course. What a power-force to guide us and establish an easy way to follow to prosperity!

Are you now ready to accept success?
