In this moment, choose to believe that the Universe is abundant and that you are a part of that abundance. You are a part of the universal flow of energy in an ocean of abundance. One aspect of this energy is the concept we call money, and it is just as spiritual as anything else.
2. In this moment, feel the presence of Spirit in your life and know that Spirit is the true Source of your abundance, not your job or any other person. You are always taken care of. You are safe. Remember that Spirit always has the solution for any challenge that confronts you. Meditate daily to connect with Spirit so that you can truly feel that all is well.
3. In this moment, know that you are deserving of all the abundance of the Universe. Just because you exist, you are deserving. There is nothing you need to do or be. Just be willing to accept the idea that you are deserv-ing.
4. In this moment, be willing to give up your limiting beliefs about pros-perity. The abundance of Spirit abounds everywhere! Open your mind to the idea that there is plenty for everyone. Your personal beliefs in any area of your life create your personal reality. As you change the beliefs that limit you, the outer reality changes!
5. In this moment, remember that you are connected with Infinite Mind. This Mind works through the Law of Attraction, and It is always responding to your thoughts and feelings. Affirm and visualize the abundance that you want in your life. Include joy, peace, love, wonderful relationships, and health along with money and material things.
6. In this moment, practice feeling the joy of knowing that all is well in your life. Relax. Smile. Dance. Enjoy the beauty of nature. Focus on this moment in time, not yesterday or tomorrow, and appreciate this mo-ment. Practice faith and trust.
7. In this moment, recognize that as you accept your prosperity, you en-courage others to do the same. When the consciousness of one person shifts, it affects everyone else. Your own acceptance of prosperity helps the entire planet.
8. In this moment, be willing to begin sharing your prosperity with others, even if it is only a dollar. When you give freely to others, you are affirming that you are prosperous enough to share.
9. In this moment, remember that you are on this earth for a purpose, and that purpose is to be of service. You have your own unique skills and abilities to offer in being of service. As you practice joyful service, your prosperity will increase.
10. In this moment, feel the attitude of gratitude. Be grateful for every-thing in your life, even those things you would say are challenging. Each morning when you wake up, think of everything you are grateful for.
Open your arms wide and say to Spirit, THANK YOU!
Enjoy the miracles that occur in your life as you practice these principles!