
Kenali Diri Anda


Kita tidak bisa mulai benar benar hidup sebelum mengetahui siapa dan apa kita. Jadi siapakah kita? Apakah kita adalah apa yang kita kerjakan sesuai nama pekerjaan kita? Apakah kita adalah dari mana kita berasal, sesuai bangsa kita? Apakah kita, keyakinan kita, sesuai kepercayaan kita? Jika tidak ada satu pun dari hal tersebut menjawab pertanyaan diatas, dan memang tidak, apakah anda? siapakah Anda? Tak ada lagi yang tersisa. Kalau begitu kita harus memanggil Anda apa? Kepekaan? Kesadaran? Jiwa? Roh? Ataukah semua itu lagi lagi cuma merek label ? Dapatkah kita melampaui semua label tersebut dan hanya menjadi jati diri Anda? Jati diri. Perorangan. Sadar.

Bebas. Jati diri yang mawas diri. Itulah Anda.
Bahasa yang lazim di dunia ini adalah bahasa label. Dan seperti halnya label yang menempel di sebuah kotak atau yang tergantung pada sebuah pakaian bukanlah barang yang di deskripsikan label itu, kita telah salah mengenali kedua hal tersebut. Kita berfikir bahwa kita adalah apa yang di deskripsikan label kita. Lalu pada saat label tersebut terancam atau dilepaskan, kita merasa sangat kesal. Kita sukar melihat ilusi itu dan menyadari bahwa kita sebenarnya bukan apa yang dikatakan label kita. Beberapa dari kita bahkan rela mati demi label( agama, komunitas, partai, suku dll) mereka.

Kita bukanlah kebangsaan, ras, gender, atau agama kita. Akan tetapi,

kita diajari untuk berfikir bahwa kita adalah berbagai hal tersebut

dan hal itu sangat tidak tercerahkan. Hal itu juga menjadikan

kehidupan sebuah perjalanan yang sangat menyakitkan. Tidaklah

mengejutkan bila orang-orang di sekitar kita sering kali mengenal

kita lebih baik daripada kita mengenal diri sendiri. Tak seorangpun

mengajari kita nilai mengenal diri sendiri, seperti yang dikatakan

seorang filsuf terkenal “ hidup yang tidak disadari tak berharga

untuk dijalani.” yang sesungguhnya bermakna bahwa jati diri jarang

dikenal seutuhnya.

Mengenal diri sendiri berarti menyadari jati diri sejati ( jiwa ),

sifat sejati ( damai ), dan tujuan sejati ( menciptakan, memberi,

dan menerima). Bila hal itu diwujudkan dan dipahami, Anda akan mulai

mengerti dari mana emosi-emosi seperti kemarahan, depresi, rasa

sakit dan ketidaknyamanan, kehampaan, dan keserakahan berasal. Anda

perlu mengetahui bagaimana dan mengapa perasaan perasaan itu muncul

dalam kepribadian Anda. Jika tidak, kesengsaraan akan sering

mengunjungi Anda, akan terjadi kehampaan makna hidup, dan Anda akan

merasakan hidup Anda tak berharga.

Ketika Anda mampu menanggalkan semua label palsu identitas Anda,

Anda akan mulai memperoleh kembali kesadaran akan jati diri sejati

Anda. Kesadaran itu lebih merupakan pengalaman daripada gagasan,

yang menjadi alasan kenapa meditasi atau tafakur adalah jalan

terbaik untuk mencapainya. Ingat , cara Anda melihat diri sendiri

sepenuhnya mempengaruhi cara Anda melihat dunia, pendapat Anda

tentang dunia, dan karena itu apa yang Anda berikan kepada dunia dan

semesta. Dan apa yang Anda berikan kepada dunia adalah apa yang Anda

peroleh kembali dari dunia.

Bagi banyak orang, mengenali diri sendiri bisa jadi ide yang aneh.

Hal tersebut sedemikian asing pada seluruh sistem pendidikan kita

sehingga bisa jadi sulit untuk melihat kaitannya dengan kehidupan

sehari-hari kita. Akan tetapi, bagaimana jika di usia yang sangat

tua Anda menemukan bahwa Anda betul-betul seseorang yang pandai dan

bijaksana, seseorang yang penuh wawasan dan tercerahkan. ...kenapa

Anda tidak bisa menemukan ciri khas bathin terpendam itu pada usia

dua puluhan tahun? Kemawasan diri, penemuan diri, pemahaman diri,

dan penguasaan diri semuanya merupakan jalan setapak untuk menemukan

kembali kebijaksanaan dan harta karun kekayaan bathin kita ( kuntu

kanzan mahfiyan ). jangan jalani seluruh hidup Anda di luar diri

Anda sendiri, luangkan sedikit waktu di dalam ruang rindu dan Anda

akan mengerti makna sejati “ perburuan harta karun”. Setelah Anda

menemukan harta karun tersebut itulah peta Anda, dan saat nya untuk

memulai perjalanan Anda. Wa Allahu 'Aalim.


“ Al-Islam sesuai dengan segala zaman dan tempat “

Tiga agama besar dunia, Yahudi, Nasrani dan Islam, dibawa oleh keturunan dari Nabi Ebraheem. Sedangkan dari segi ajaran, walaupun semua Nabi sama-sama membawa ajaran keesaan Tuhan, namun dalam pemaparannya Nabi Ebraheem mengemukakan bukti-bukti yang berbeda dari Nabi-nabi sebelumnya. Hal ini sesuai dengan perkembangan tingkat kedewasaan berfikir umat pada setiap Nabi-nabi itu.

Nabi Ebraheem merupakan periode baru dari tuntunan pencarian seorang manusia tentang ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa. Sebab jauh di dalam diri manusia terdapat kekuatan-kekuatan yang masih tertidur nyenyak ( Annas niyaam faizhaa muutuu intabahuu ), kekuatan yang membuat
mereka takjub yang apabila digugah dan ditindaklanjuti akan merubah paradigma dan kehidupan secara cepat. Hal ini lah yang dialami oleh Ebraheem, dia termasuk manusia dengan tipikal Climber ( orang yang seumur hidupnya membangkitkan dirinya pada puncak perjalanan
keruhaniannya untuk mencapai dan menjalani hidup secara lengkap.

Sebagaimana direkam dalam Al-Qur'an QS. Al-An'am 76-79 dalam proses pencarian akan kebenaran ada orang-orang yang menolak kesempatan untuk tumbuh dan berkembang ( Quitter ) seperti Ayahnya Ebraheem, dan ada juga orang-orang yang cepat puas dengan perjuangan dan pencariannya akan kebenaran dan karena bosan mereka menghentikan dan
mengakhiri pendakian spiritual serta mencari tempat datar aman dan nyaman saja (Camper ). dengan kata lain manusia ada yang tidak percaya akan adanya Tuhan, ada yang percaya adanya Tuhan dan mereka merasa cukup untuk tidak menggali dan mencari serta mendaki lagi, serta ada manusia yang percaya pada Tuhan dan dijadikan kepercayaannya itu sebagai Stepping Stone atau batu loncatan untuk pencarian lebih dalam dari apa yang dipercayainya itu. Hal ini lah yang terjadi pada Nabi Ebraheem, sehingga dikenal disamping sebagai “ Bapak para Nabi “, Ebraheem pun dikenal sebagai ' Bapak Monoteisme serta proklamator keadilan Ilahi “.

Nabi Ebraheem mengajak kepada semua umat manusia pada masanya untuk menyembah Tuhan Yang Maha Esa. Tuhan Pencipta langit dan bumi, serta semua umat manusia. Tuhan semua makhluk yang tidak membedakan suku, bangsa dan jenis makhluk tertentu. Namun secara jelas dan harfiah dituturkan dalam kitab suci bahwa yang pertama kali menyadari
Al-Islam atau sikap kondisi jiwa yang pasrah total hanya kepada Tuhan itu sebagai inti agama ialah nabi Nuh, Rosul Allah urutan ketiga dalam deretan 25 Nabi & Rosul setelah Adam dan Idris.

Dituturkan bahwa Nabi Nuh mendapat perintah Allah untuk menjadi salah seorang yang Muslim ( orang yang pasrah ) dan bersifat Al-Islam, pasrah hanya kepada Tuhan ( QS. 10 : 71-72 ). Kesadaran akan al-Islam itu lebih lebih lagi tumbuh derngan kuat dan tegas pada Nabi Ebraheem. Seperti juga halnya Nabi Nuh, Ebraheem juga diperintahkan untuk berislam ( QS. 2 : 131 ).

Agama yang benar dengan inti ajaran pasrah total hanya kepada Tuhan itu kemudian diwasiatkan Ebraheem kepada keturunannya. Salah satu garis keturunannya itu adalah Nabi Ya'qub atau Israel ( artinya hamba Allah ) dari jurusan nabi Ishaq, salah seorang putra Ebraheem.

Wasiat Ebraheem dan Ya'qub itu kemudian menjadi dasar agama-agama Israel, yaitu yang sekarang bertahan agama Yahudi dan Nasrani ( QS. 2 : 132 ). Jadi agama Yahudi dan Nasrani berpangkal pada Al-Islam, karena merupakan kelanjutan agama Nabi Ebraheem. Tapi tidaklah
berarti bahwa Ebraheem itu seorang Yahudi atau Nasrani, melainkan seorang yang pasrah total hanya pada Tuhan ( Muslim) ( QS.3 : 65-67 ). Bahwa agama Yahudi itu pada dasarnya mengajarkan “Islam” , ditegaskan dalam penuturan Al-Qur'an mengenai fungsi Taurat ( QS. 5
: 44 ). Begitu pula dengan Nabi Isa/Yesus atau Al-masih/Kristus putera Maryam, Isa datang dengan membawa ajaran pasrah total hanya pada Tuhan ( QS. 3 : 52, QS. 5 :111 ).

Karena merupakan inti semua agama yang benar, maka “ Al-Islam “ atau pasrah hanya pada Tuhan adalah pangkal adanya hidayat Ilahi kepada seseorang. Maka “Al-Islam” menjadi landasan universal kehidupan manusia dan semua makhluk Tuhan dan berlaku di setiap tempat dan waktu. Dan karena “ Al-Islam “ merupakan titik temu semua ajaran yang benar, maka diantara sesama penganut yang tulus akan ajaran itu pada prinsipnya harus dibina hubungan dan pergaulan yang sebaik-baiknya, kecuali dalam keadaan terpaksa, seperti jika salah satu dari mereka bertindak zalim kepada yang lain. Sikap ini terutama diamanatkan kepada para pengikut Nabi Muhammad, sebab salah satu tujuan dan fungsi umat Muhammad adalah sebagai penengah (umatan washatan/washit ) antara sesama manusia, serta sebagai saksi (syuhada) atas seluruh kemanusiaan. Jadi sikap pasrah kepada Tuhan itu merupakan tuntutan alami semua makhluk Tuhan dalam hal ini adalah manusia.

Agama ( bahasa Arab nya :al-din, secara harfiah antara lain berarti “ ketundukan, kepatuhan, atau ketaatan ) yang sah tidak bisa lain daripada sikap pasrah kepada Tuhan ( Al-Islam). Maka tidak ada agama tanpa sikap itu, yakni, keagamaan tanpa kepasrahan kepada Tuhan adalah tidak sejati ( inilah antara lain makna penegasan QS. 3 : 19, QS. 3 : 85, barang siapa menuntut “ agama” selain “al-islam” maka darinya tidak akan diterima, dan di akhirat ia akan termasuk mereka yang merugi ). karena prinsip-prinsip ini maka semua agama yang benar pada hakikatnya adalah “ al-Islam”, yakni mengajarkan sikap kepasrahdirian hanya kepada Sang Pencipta, Tuhan yang Esa.

Dalam kitab suci berulang kali kita dapati penegasan bahwa agama para Nabi terdahulu sebelum Muhammad SAW, semuanya adalah “Al-Islam” karena inti semua ajaran agama itu adalah ajaran tentang pasrah kepada Tuhan. Atas dasar inilah maka agama yang dibawa Nabi Muhammad disebut Agama Islam, karena ia secara sadar dan dengan penuh deliberasi mengajarkan sikap pasrah kepada Tuhan, sehingga agama Nabi Muhammad merupakan Al-Islam, namun bukan satu-satunya, dan tidak unik dalam arti berdiri sendiri, melainkan tampil dalam rangkaian dengan agama-agama Al-Islam yang lain, yang telah tampil terdahulu. Apalagi sikap pasrah kepada Tuhan itu merupakan hakikat dari seluruh alam, yaitu sikap pasrah pihak ciptaan kepada pencipta-Nya, yaitu Tuhan. Ketaatan langit dan bumi, mekarnya bunga
di taman, bergugurannya dedaunan di musim dingin adalah kepasrahan dan keislamannya. Maka implikasi prinsip-prinsip yang diletakkan dalam Al-Qur'an itu adalah kesatuan kenabian dan kerosulan. Yaitu bahwa semua Nabi dan Rosul mengemban visi dan misi yang sama yaitu membawa manusia kembali kepada Tuhan yang Esa dan Tuhannya adalah Tuhan yang Maha Esa. Tugas Ilahi ini sama dan tidak bisa, serta tidak dibenarkan, untuk dibeda-bedakan satu dari yang lain. Mereka menyampaikan pesan yang sama dengan bahasa yang berbeda-beda.

Sikap pasrah kepada Tuhan sebagai unsur kemanusiaan yang alami dan sejati, kesatuan kenabian dan ajaran para Nabi untuk semua umat dan bangsa, semuanya itu menjadi dasar universalisme ajaran yang benar dan tulus, yaitu “ Al-Islam “. Ini pula yang mendasari universalisme Islam ( dengan I besar ), yang secara historis dan sosiologis, disamping secara teologis ( termuat dalam Al-Quran ), menjadi nama ajaran Islam yang dibawa Nabi Muhammad. Penamaan ini dibenarkan, karena ajaran Nabi Muhammad adalah ajaran pasrah kepada Tuhan. Jadi Islam memang sudah menjadi nama sebuah agama, yaitu agama Rosul Pamungkas. Namun ia bukan sekedar nama, tapi nama yang tumbuh karena haqeqat dan inti ajaran itu, yaitu pasrah kepada Tuhan ( Islam ).
Patut kiranya kita renungkan kembali dalam-dalam pesan Tuhan yang menyeluruh berkenaan dengan “ kesinambungan” agama Ebraheem yang hanif dan pasrah. “ Dia Allah menetapkan bagi kamu “ agama” sesuatu yang telah Dia pesankan kepada Nuh, dan yang telah Kami wahyukan
kepadamu, dan yang Kami pesankan kepada Ebraheem, Musa, dan Isa yaitu hendaknya kamu sekalian menjaga “ agama” itu dan tidak berpecah belah di dalamnya ( QS. 42 : 13 ). “ Ebraheem bukanlah seorang Yahudi atau seorang Nasrani, melainkan seorang yang hanif ( QS. 4 : 67 ). Kembali kepada agama dan Tuhan Ebraheem secara patuh dan pasrah ( Islam ) adalah jalan keselamatan dunia dan akhirat.

Dengan begitu maka seorang yang mengaku pengikut Nabi Muhammad adalah seorang Muslim, yang pada dasarnya tanpa mengeksklusifkan yang lain, yang dalam menganut agamanya itu seharusnya senantiasa sadar akan apa hakikat agamanya, yaitu Al-Islam, sikap pasrah total
hanya pada Tuhan. Yang mampu pasrah total hanya pada Tuhan tentunya yang sudah mampu benar-benar mengenal-Nya. Karena kesadaran makna hakiki keagamaan itu maka agama Islam, juga orang Muslim atau umat Islam selamanya harus mempunyai impulse universalisme , yang pada urutannya memancar dalam wawasan kulturalnya yang berwatak cosmopolit tidak picik dan taklid buta. Wa Allahu 'Aalim.




In this moment, choose to believe that the Universe is abundant and that you are a part of that abundance. You are a part of the universal flow of energy in an ocean of abundance. One aspect of this energy is the concept we call money, and it is just as spiritual as anything else.

2. In this moment, feel the presence of Spirit in your life and know that Spirit is the true Source of your abundance, not your job or any other person. You are always taken care of. You are safe. Remember that Spirit always has the solution for any challenge that confronts you. Meditate daily to connect with Spirit so that you can truly feel that all is well.

3. In this moment, know that you are deserving of all the abundance of the Universe. Just because you exist, you are deserving. There is nothing you need to do or be. Just be willing to accept the idea that you are deserv-ing.

4. In this moment, be willing to give up your limiting beliefs about pros-perity. The abundance of Spirit abounds everywhere! Open your mind to the idea that there is plenty for everyone. Your personal beliefs in any area of your life create your personal reality. As you change the beliefs that limit you, the outer reality changes!

5. In this moment, remember that you are connected with Infinite Mind. This Mind works through the Law of Attraction, and It is always responding to your thoughts and feelings. Affirm and visualize the abundance that you want in your life. Include joy, peace, love, wonderful relationships, and health along with money and material things.

6. In this moment, practice feeling the joy of knowing that all is well in your life. Relax. Smile. Dance. Enjoy the beauty of nature. Focus on this moment in time, not yesterday or tomorrow, and appreciate this mo-ment. Practice faith and trust.

7. In this moment, recognize that as you accept your prosperity, you en-courage others to do the same. When the consciousness of one person shifts, it affects everyone else. Your own acceptance of prosperity helps the entire planet.

8. In this moment, be willing to begin sharing your prosperity with others, even if it is only a dollar. When you give freely to others, you are affirming that you are prosperous enough to share.

9. In this moment, remember that you are on this earth for a purpose, and that purpose is to be of service. You have your own unique skills and abilities to offer in being of service. As you practice joyful service, your prosperity will increase.

10. In this moment, feel the attitude of gratitude. Be grateful for every-thing in your life, even those things you would say are challenging. Each morning when you wake up, think of everything you are grateful for.

Open your arms wide and say to Spirit, THANK YOU!

Enjoy the miracles that occur in your life as you practice these principles!



In metaphysics we are taught that the mind plays an important role in determining one's reality. The combination of all our belief structures, attitudes, expectations, hopes, feelings, and subconscious imprints build up the "reality" that we experience. This reality is substantially our mental perception and interpretation of the varying impressions that our senses accumulate, and this resultant reality differ from person to person. No two individuals perceive or interpret the world exactly alike, even-though there may be a consensus, a collective consciousness underlying everyday objective consciousness that forms a basic reality for individuals or entities vibrating at mutual wavelengths. This is sometimes called a "shared-dream." From the Cosmic point of view, everything is a dream, a play of the senses, a cosmic dance of the gods. Everything is illusory; however this is not to say that we are not affected by our "dreams" whether understood as the sleep-state or Maya-waking reality. Our dreams affect us in accord with the power that we bestow upon it. We empower our dreams to cause fear or love within us. The unlimited power is really within our beings and not existing externally. It exists here and now within ourselves, not in the past nor in the future but in the present moment. People and things have no power to inflict harm upon us except for the power that we give to them.
But to return to the principle of the personal reality that we create for ourselves, we may illustrate this by noting the differences in our interpretations of what we call "colour." A person may interpret energy vibrating and emanating from an object as "green," another individual may interpret it as "blue." Who is to say what is the actuality? Though many may agree a colour of an object to be green, for instance, does not imply that the perception of blue as invalid. Calling someone "colour-blind" is actually an expression of arrogance. We judge others by our own moral, intellectual, emotional, and physical standards. We consider this as the "norm." Just because someone's perception or understanding is different from ours is no reason for condemnation and destruction, so long as that person's understanding does no harm to any being.
Animals may also differ from humans in their perception of the world. They may see things in black and white or shades of gray. They perceive a different reality even-though triggered by the same spiritual substratum or actuality. What that "actuality" is can only be intellectually speculated upon. We have often been told by Spiritual Masters that Truth can only be experienced and not thought about. The actual state of all phenomena is what philosophers of all ages have been seeking, and this they designate as "Truth." We might express actuality as the Law of Energy; and reality, the various phenomena that we realize, as the Law of Perception and Sensation. Summarily, no one's personal reality ought to be considered as the Absolute Truth, since this is unstable, ever-changing, forever in formation.
It may be appropriate to explain this principle of actuality and reality much more explicitly: what we realize in our minds are our realizations, hence, our reality. What really exists out there beyond our objective, everyday consciousness and perception, is "actuality"-the actual state of things: a whole spectrum of energies vibrating at varying frequencies. Actuality is noumena, whereas realities are phenomena. The objective mind is often fooled by what it senses and perceives. A nervous disorder could cause a different form of sensation and perception compared to a nervous system functioning normally. A sensitized nervous system could also receive more impressions from the environment than those nervous systems dulled by negative energies and undeveloped neurons. The Central Nervous System (CNS) has a dual function: it carries impulses from sensors to the brain receptors. This is its afferent function. Its other function is to convey impulses from the brain to the effectors--to the muscles and such. This is the efferent function of the CNS. The CNS in one sense is a channel of knowledge for it presents to us the impressions with which we may know and realize our environment. On the other hand, it is also a channel of ignorance, for it blocks out certain vital impressions from us with which we could further understand Nature. Man, however, is built in such a manner that he may receive and be aware of impressions or energies emanating not only from the third dimension but of the higher dimensions as well. Aside from the Central Nervous System there is also the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic nervous systems that have psychic functions as well as the known physical ones. Although these three nervous systems relate to the physical body, the etheric sheath also has these counterparts. In yoga these are called "nadi." In acupuncture these are referred to as the "meridian channels." These subtle channels are interrelated and interconnected with the three physical nervous systems mentioned above. The more we unfold, purify, and upgrade these subtle and gross channels, the more information we may acquire from the physical, psychic, and spiritual dimensions. This cannot help but alter our personal reality and the level of our consciousness.
But returning to the physical level in relationship to one's personal reality, consideration should also be given that the normal five senses are often tricked by external stimuli forming illusions in the consciousness. There are many examples of such; for instance, parallel railway tracks seem to join at the horizon. Another illusion is that which has fooled humanity for centuries, that the sun orbits around the earth. We know that Corpenicus revealed the opposite to be true.
Though the conscious mind with its senses are susceptible to deceptions, the subconscious mind is even more so. One striking feature is that it is unable to distinguish between dreams, fantasies, imaginations, hallucinations, and objective reality. To the subconscious mind, everything is real, no matter what arouses or stimulates it. A person dreaming of running will physically break out in sweat, just as he would if he were to run in a physical and objective sense. A person hypnotized into believing that his skin was "burnt" by a cigarette would physically form a blister, even-though the "burning" cigarette was really something else. A person fantasizing sexual thoughts would physically trigger the flow of bodily chemicals and hormones. Thus, a natural law is herein revealed that our mind may be made to believe and act upon the belief in accord with what we impress upon it. Pretending that one is inferior causes the subconscious mind to release the related energies in the form of chemicals and reduce the quality of radiations that would enforce and maintain that belief. For instance, feeling oneself inferior lowers the intensity of the aura, and hence, one's charisma. Believing in one's unworthiness disrupts the harmonious functioning of the body's immune system and lowers the body's vitality. Animals as well as some people are sensitive to the energies that we radiate through our aura and minds. As an illustration, if we do not have self-confidence we would radiate a weak magnetic aura and have a poor effect upon our environment. A prospective employer or client would consciously or subconsciously feel this un-charismatic radiation and would subsequently dismiss our application or proposal. Employers do not simply evaluate us by what we say, or the resume that we submit. They also evaluate us by what they "feel" about us. This, of course, applies to many other situations.
The actual state of phenomena is devoid of anything that our senses interpret as light, sound, odor, taste, and feeling. This is graphically illustrated in psychological studies that states that in the event of a tree-fall in a forest without anyone present, no sound exist for the reason that there is no one to hear it. Sounds only exist when the mind translates vibrations emanating from a source into meaningful impressions. The same goes with the other senses. If we are not in the forest to perceive the tree, the tree would not exist. Its actual state is simply energy vibrating at a certain rate. Our realizations may be considered "Maya" or cosmic illusions, for they do not reflect the actual state of things. They are impermanent, forever in a state of becoming, or a state of change; whereas the actuality that arouses perception may be considered as Truth, as we mentioned before. It is the awareness, knowing and understanding of this Truth that will liberate us from mortality, from the world of relativity and duality, and the world of illusions that bind us to a never-ending cycle of reincarnation. Falsehoods make a karmic-generator out of man. It is by transcending the dualistic mind that judges between realities and arbitrary standards, between the many opposites such as "good" and "evil," "strong" and "weak," etc., that will set us on the path of "Divine Thinking," and aid us in attaining the state of godhood, or to be a citizen in the Kingdom of God. Heaven is a matter of awareness and vibration, so is hell.
Mystics call the actual state of things "the Void" or "Emptiness." This is made known to them not through the ordinary channels of perception, not through the external senses, but through a certain faculty in the microcosm that transcends the mind. This condition of being aware through inner knowing may be called "apperception." It is the direct awareness of things that are, of what Is--the apperception of the Truth stripped away from its many illusory appearances. Hindu philosophy calls such appearances "Maya." It is the play of the mind, a cosmic dance of the gods.
One person's mortal reality is not superior to another. However, each reality gives us certain experiences that we dualistically interpret as "good" and "bad"; "earthly" and "spiritual;" "beneficial" and "non-beneficial," etc. We usually interpret our experiences from a pessimistic or optimistic point of view. This is often called "negative" and "positive" thinking. This dualistic mode of thinking creates our various concepts of ourselves, our world-view, and subsequently our reality--the things that we experience in our daily life. If we find ourselves in psychological pain and suffering, in most cases it simply takes a "change of mind," a change in our attitude and thinking to transmute the condition that we find ourselves in. St. Paul calls this the "renewing of your mind."
"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." (Romans:12:2)
The above is a Divine-thinking precept. We should transcend positive/negative thinking (be not conformed to this world), but exercise Divine-thinking (the renewing of your mind).
El Morya, one of the Lords of the Planetary Hierarchy of the Spiritual Government serving Terra, once said that it is the sense of struggle that causes the struggle. This principle also applies to suffering and pain. A sense of suffering and pain causes suffering and pain. It is as simple as that. And yet sufferings are not easily eliminated for the one reason that people believe they have to suffer because they lack self-esteem and self-worth. Indulgence in self-depreciatory states and conditions are caused by a displacement in the psyche, by misidentifying one's Self. People tend to punish themselves for unjustified reasons. For instance, we believe that we did something wrong and so we must pay the price, and in this we judge and inflict pain upon ourselves. Love is not present in this. No one is in a position to judge us, not even ourselves; and our very Real Self will not do so, for it is the embodiment of Love. Remember the words of Jesus, "He who has not sin may cast the first stone." Those in the position to judge us will not, for they are one with God and express all the divine attributes such as God-Love, God-Mercy, God-Grace, and God-Goodness. Once again we emphasize, God does not judge us, the false ego does.
The act of transcending the sensations of suffering, pain and struggle in order to free ourselves from mortal living is not quite the same as positive thinking. Positive thinking would simply strive to see a bright side to one's experiences but not to transcend it altogether. Positive thinking does not impel us to strive for a higher evolutionary level in the way that Divine thinking would. It in fact prolongs a mortal way of behavior.
We are often told that a positive outlook of things is beneficial to our lives--and so it is. Compared to a negative frame of mind, it is much wiser to see the positive side in all experiences. However, maintaining a positive point of view is not at all that easy. The positive and negative poles are part of the dualistic system of reality, and as such it swings from one to the other. It follows the Law of the Pendulum. Thinking dualistically actually limits our being, our divine potential and expression. It locks us up in a prison of mortality. It perpetuates mortal concepts of our True Self and conditions our poor understanding and interaction with Life. Dualistic thinking is synonymous with mortal thinking, and so long as we think like a mortal we will never begin to express our divinity, our godhood. We are often reminded in Holy Scriptures that we are gods, why is it then that we do not express this? Why do we express ourselves as beasts or even lower than them, or be complacent with our human state which is actually transitional? We often think it impossible or blasphemous to be humanly perfect, to be a god and divine--by such a belief we cease to unfold ourselves, we lock ourselves in a cage of misguided thought, freeze our hearts of our humanity and express our inhumane folly.
Divine thinking on the other hand, cause one to understand that every phenomenon and experience as illusory. It helps us to center ourselves in our divinity with its blissful and joyful nature. Divine thinking helps us to untie ourselves from things that are unreal--from Maya, glamour and illusions. The Master Jesus once said that we should be in this world but not of it; or in other words, to be renunciants. This is again a Divine thinking precept.
Our mortal concepts should be transmuted into immortal notions and realties. Only then do we prove our kinship to God. This is an alchemical procedure that requires careful tending. The exoteric goal of alchemy is the transmutation of base metals into gold. Gold is the symbol of perfection, of beauty, light and all that is good. Making the physical form beautiful and youthful through external techniques such as cosmetics and implants without first considering the improvement of the character and personality is a deviation from the Spiritual Path. People are being daily misled by the Dark forces in their search for happiness and a meaningful life. They consult those that pretend to know and offer answers to their problems and yet what they get do not fulfill their spiritual needs although their physical wants and desires of the lower self may be catered to; however, this is short lived and has no lasting value. The desires of man are often counterproductive to his ultimate good and stalls his evolutionary journey; it checks his spiritual unfoldment. Lower desires should be replaced by the desires of the Higher Self. Desires should be transmuted into aspirations. There is power in desire but it has to be appropriated correctly for spiritual, selfless and sacred concerns. Instead of beautifying oneself through artificial methods, one should maintain divine thought, this would have a rejuvenating effect upon our psychology and physiology making us youthful and beautiful.
The manifestation of true perfection occurs first within--within one's realization and awareness, and then without in one's lower nature as it gradually reflects the perfection of one's Real Being. Perfection consequently shines without for the glory of God to be seen. Man does not need to wait for the Christ to physically appear again or seek Christ in earthly places. As soon as man is pure and as soon as man is aware of his true Self, Christ would manifest physically within him. Man shall be as the gods. This is the fruit of the Tree of Life that the tender of the Garden of Eden was so anxious that man should not eat prematurely, otherwise mortal imperfections would have been immortalized.
To be an Immortal we must think like one. Immortal concepts should replace mortal notions, beliefs and falsehoods. How do we think like an Immortal? How do we think divinely? There are many principles involved. If we were to pattern our lives after the great spiritual avatars that have appeared from time to time on the physical stage of Terra, we would make leaps and bounds in our spiritual journey back to our Source. Our spiritual being would unfold like the blossoming of a rose. Avatars such as Krishna, Jesus, Gautama, Quetzacoatl, and many others were fine exemplars of spirituality and of the mystic life. They showed us the way to immortality. The Master Jesus said, "I AM the Way." In this he meant that we should emulate him, that we should raise ourselves up to his level of consciousness, to his level of Divine thinking, of understanding, of living, of expressing all that is virtuous and beautiful in the soul--all that expresses one's innate godhood. In this decree of his, the expression "I AM" also refers to the God-Self within us with its perfect blueprint that we should strive to outpicture in the world of form. True Christians are not those who worship the "son of man" called "Jesus," they are the ones that manifest their personal Christhood. Only when we vibrate at the level of Christ do we become true Christians. Here we use the term "Christ" to refer to the divine aspect of man and not to the historical Jesus. True Christians are not followers or worshippers of any person, but an active channel for the Divine forces, the Christic energies of Love, Life and Light. Many men have been Christians even-though externally they formally embraced other religions or none at all.
However, let us get down to the essentials of learning how to think divinely like a god, and be aware of the divine spark of God that we should recognize and acknowledge at every waking moment. Buddhist call this the "divine pride of being a Buddha." Immortal or Divine thinking consists of understanding and living certain principles. All of our habitual thoughts, attitudes and feelings should be based upon the precept of Divine thinking if we are to progress spiritually. Below we present just some of these vital points and principles that we should incorporate in our Divine thinking "way of life" :

• Knowing one's true SELF
We often identify ourselves with our physical body, with our emotions, and with our mind. These three principles represent our personality. We are often led to believe that the personality is the Self, whereas it is simply a persona, a mask that the Soul wears that it may function in the lower dimensions. The personality is mortal and subject to change. It is not the permanent part of our being. Should we identify with the personality we assume the characteristics of mortality with its sense of limitation and lack. In the long run we lose our true sense of identity. We feel that our identity is somehow displaced and know no longer what we are. By this false identification we block the entry of spiritual forces into the lower aspect of our microcosmic being. We also close our consciousness from higher perception and awareness. By knowing, being aware, and identifying ourselves with our Reality, we liberate ourselves from a sense of separation from God--which is spiritually impossible. We are God's expression; God is our essence. By essentially knowing our true Self, we come to realize God; we come to realize the infinite creative potentials that lie within our divinity. Please note, however, that what we mean by "true Self" is far different from the usual understanding of the term. It is not the hidden desires and characteristics that lie within the subconscious mind, nor is it what most artists normally refer to as their true self when they express themselves on canvas. The True Self is not the subconscious mind, nor the conscious mind alone. It is the Divine Spark's Cosmic Consciousness or God's Divine Awareness of Its inherent Existence and Bliss within the microcosm at a lower level, and in the macrocosm at a higher level. Always identify yourself with the God-Spark within you. Essentially, all of God's attributes are to be found within you as well.

• Knowing Cosmic Laws that generates all the contents of the Omniverse
When we begin to know and understand the laws of our inherent existence we should begin to align ourselves and cooperate with Cosmic forces. We come to realize that the many beliefs and attitudes that govern our mundane existence are false and have no universal basis in truth. We learn that life is eternal and that our divine essence is immortal. By understanding Cosmic laws we would eventually come to understand our Self and the many roles that it plays in the world of form; we would also be able to differentiate between the Real and the unreal; that which is True and that which is False. We would grasp how and why our divinity should be expressed and manifested on the physical plane. Aside from this it will eventually dawn upon us that we are really one with God, one of God, and one as God; and that separation is simply an illusion. If God is everywhere present, he is also present within us. More accurately, everything is an expression of the Source of Life, and this includes us.

• Knowing the Plan of God
Most of us live without a sense of purpose in life. To most people it is unknown that all human beings have a mission in life. The Divine Mind has a Plan for humanity, a Plan for Planet Earth and the Solar System. This Plan is related to the divine and eternal aspect of man. The more we understand this Divine Plan, the more we are impelled to assist in its manifestation and fulfillment. All of our thinking will be aligned with the Will of God. Every one is sojourning on this physical plane for the purpose of fulfilling his or her mission and manifesting the Divine Plan of God upon Earth. When we think in terms of this Plan we invoke the aid of higher forces and live in accord with God's Will. The "mortal will" should be set aside to channel the Divine Will. Our will would be to express God's Will as God's desire is to express our divine desire. By being cognizant and attentive of Cosmic Order and the Plan we begin to live in terms of selflessness, service, sacrifice and the elimination of egoistic qualities for the good of all. Knowing the Plan of God expands our consciousness and helps us to see beyond mortal vision.

• Knowing that there is no separation between Man, God and Nature
Our mortal sense of duality makes us assume a defensive-offensive attitude. We attack others due to a sense of separation and fear. We should begin to realize that there is only One Substance, One Power, One Mind, One Self in the Omniverse, and this One Progenitor manifests as the varied and manifold structures of energies that we perceive. Relatively speaking, the many phenomena and things that we cognize are all illusions. They are all expressions of the One. By knowing that every form is illusory and are merely appearances, that behind all realities is Energy, the One Universal Substratum that we call God, the Void, Universal Essence, etc, we will eventually begin to think, act and behave accordingly--according to Truth. We would know that to hurt another we would simply be hurting ourselves, that what we give out eventually returns to us. Always regard another as yourself, as a divine presence of God. The precept "Do unto others as you would others do unto you," is related to this principle.

• Knowing that everything has a cause, has a purpose that the mortal mind may not know or understand.
To think divinely we should always keep in mind that nothing occurs without a purpose, that there are no accidents, or coincidences; that everything is based upon Cosmic law. Even-though consciously we may not know why things occur as they do, realize that everything will eventually have effects beneficial to soul-growth. The person who thinks divinely will never be overwhelmed with sufferings and sorrows for he or she knows the divine purpose of life through the constant attunement with the Divine Self.

• Knowing that one's true SELF is already immortal and divine
Immortality need not be searched frantically for in dark places, for it is already a reality in the light of our Divine Presence. Death is not the end, nor is it a beginning. We conquer death by realizing its non-existence, its illusory nature. A Master once said that "that which is Real cannot be threatened, that which is false does not exist." The Self that we are is beyond hurt, pain, suffering, and sorrow. It is immortal and divine. When we are submerged in a "gloom and doom" attitude it signifies that we are identifying ourselves with all that is unreal in us. The Self, or its threefold nature--existence, consciousness and bliss, cannot be extinguished. By continuously thinking from this level, by maintaining our consciousness on this plane of thought--that our essential being, our Self is immortal--we strengthen the influence of our highest aspect upon the lowest vehicles of our microcosmic being.

• Knowing that all experiences are of value to the soul
There is much that physical three-dimensional existence has to offer in terms of experience. There are things that cannot be experienced in the higher worlds that may be extracted from the material world. Evolution proceeds at a quicker pace when a life-stream is exposed to physical existence. In the spiritual planes the soul is hardly ever confronted with problems. Without challenges the soul does not evolve. Because of the density of matter, its resistance to the probing of the spiritual aspects of man, the physical world is an apt place for soul-unfoldment. Living in this three-dimensional plane unfolds the divine attributes and potentials within us such as courage, perseverance, patience, will-power, etc. It is for this reason that all our experiences, whether positive or negative, are beneficial to soul growth. They offer nourishment to our Higher Self. Therefore, in accord with this, we enforce the power of our divine thinking by extracting all that life has to offer and not indulging in any form of escapism or suicide. Perceive life from the point of view of the Self and not the personality. The personality simply wishes comfort, instant development, self-aggrandizement, and egoic power. The Self, or Soul is indifferent to external circumstances and experiences; it would regard everything and every experience as of value; its only wish is to acquire wisdom and extract spiritual nutriment from its earthly sojourn.

• Knowing that attachment to the illusory worlds only cause man to sink deeper into spiritual forgetfulness and into the mire of materialism
As mentioned above, Master Jesus once told us to be in this world but not of it. As divine immortals we should not be tied to that which is false and illusory. When we pass through transition, when we shed off this mortal form, we do not take along anything with us that is false, so why should we be overly attached to them? Attachment causes pain and suffering. It makes us forget our Source and our true Identity. Attachment also causes false identification; it displaces the Self from its throne and causes many other egoic qualities to emerge. Attachment lowers one's soul-frequency to the level of the physical octave. It attracts particles of darkness to adhere and cohere in our lower microcosmic structure. In such a state it is difficult for spiritual liberation and the ascension to take place. The antidote to attachment is simply detachment which in Sanskrit is called "Vairagya." Why should we be attached to things that are impermanent in nature? Earthly possessions and conditions are transient. Things get lost, they get stolen, they spoil, etc. Knowing that nothing is perennial we should not get upset if their cycle of existence come to an end, even prematurely. In terms of relationships, non-attachment entails loving others unconditionally and impersonally, not caring whether our love is returned, or expecting any reward. We would simply desire the happiness of others even-though their happiness may not be sought in our own kisses and embraces. Our every thought, word, and action should be prompted out of unconditional and impersonal love. Non-attachment to things of this Earth help us maintain tranquility, calmness, and a clear rational mind. It paves the way for the expression of our Higher Self.

• Knowing that one must do one's own thinking and not allow others to do the thinking for oneself
Dark and Negative forces do not desire the transformation of humanity into divinity, or man into god, they strive in various ways to hinder spiritual and evolutionary growth. Their most powerful weapons are thoughts and ideas, utilized for the control and manipulation of people's minds. They fill our minds with errors disguised as truth, and with dogmatic theologies represented with false spiritual façades. By subtle means the Dark ones would lure us away from our divinity into a lower expression. If we do not control our own conscious and subconscious minds, they will do so for us and lead us from the Real into the unreal, from Truth into falseness, from Light into darkness. We are easily mislead by authority figures falsely acting as emissaries of the Spirit. The bicameral or subconscious mind is easily controlled through feelings of fear, guilt and sin. As a disciple on the Path of Spirit it is necessary to think for oneself and to listen to the silent voice of the Soul reverberating within where one's immortality and divinity are proclaimed, where only perfection is affirmed. When we constantly listen to the voice of God within and not to the chaotic voices without we would progress quickly into the Kingdom of Light. Divine power lies within us that evil ones may not override unless through folly and ignorance we give-up what we have that they may control us and turn us into their helpless minions.

• Knowing that life is omnipresent and is not limited to the physical dimension, or even on this planet
Life in this three-dimensional existence has made us forget many spiritual truths. One of these truths is that life is not confined to physical existence nor to this particular planet alone. God is Life, and since God is omnipresent, so life is to be found in every part of the omniverse--in every dimension, and in every celestial body. We may presume sentient life to be dependent upon certain conditions--upon certain chemicals, gases, the correct temperature, atmospheric pressure, and gravitational forces, etc. However, the life-force always finds a way of manifesting itself no matter what the conditions of the environmental surroundings or substances available as building blocks for the form. Immortals do not think in terms of limitation, confinement, or constraint. Everything in essence are infinite and perennial. Though Science and Religion may teach of a "beginning," Immortals are aware that any birth of activity in the universe is simply a commencement of a new cycle of manifestation. If we were to believe that life exists solely upon Earth and upon the physical plane, we would imprison our consciousness and prevent it from expanding and embracing Cosmic Consciousness. The mortal mind is incapable of apprehending infinities; the immortal mind, however, grasps the picture in an intuitive manner. Regarding that life is omnipresent and eternal releases the power of the Higher Self within us.

• Knowing that fear and judgement are unnecessary and counterproductive
The Self is fearless. It knows itself to be beyond pain, hurt, and sorrow. That which fears is the elemental life or intelligence of the physical body. The mortal part of man, the persona of the Self, is in a constant state of tension and stress. It fears the loss of many things, but its main fear is the loss of its self-existence. Since the persona or the lower part of man is actually devoid of any soul or Self, this fear is unwarranted. Unless we identify ourselves with the eternal Self, this condition of fear of the persona or "lower self" will create psychological aberrations within us and influence our thoughts, feelings and behavior in a detrimental manner.
It is a delusion to judge appearances and that which has no real existence. In a spiritual sense, personal judgements comes from false reasoning; it is an expression of the false ego. All judgements are an expression of the dualistic mind that considers itself separate from the rest of the world, from Nature, from God. The Real Self does not judge, however it does discriminate or discern that which is Real and that which is unreal, that which is True and that which is false, that which is Absolute and that which is relative. Judgement and fear prolongs a mortal mentality as it blocks out the entry of spiritual forces and light into our system. They lower one's personal frequency and ossifies the mind. An Immortal filled with Love, Mercy and an Enlightened Mind, no longer expresses any fear or judgment. By casting out fear and the arrogantly passing of judgments upon our fellow beings we mentally prepare ourselves for the ascension and the realization of the state of immortality. The Master Jesus once said that by judging others we would in turn be judged. In one sense this could mean that we may possibly assume the condition that we pass judgement on. It is always best to see the Good in others, the God within them.

• Knowing that there is no limitation--no time and space, etc, and that everything is possible to man as he was created in the image of God.
Man is a reflection of God, a microcosm of the macrocosm. All forces and powers of the greater universe lies within the lesser universe of Man. Every phenomena of Nature has its correspondence in the microcosmic being. Since God is boundless, infinite, and eternal, and knows no limitation, the essential Man, created in God's image is likewise unlimited. Man possesses all divine potentialities and possibilities; to think otherwise is to put a false constraint upon Man's spiritual evolutionary growth. Immortals do not think in terms of limitation and lack. They only know abundance and infinities. Time and space are realities in human consciousness but not actualities in the Divine Mind. They are in fact illusions--expressions of Maya. Immortals have transcended human consciousness and are one with the Divine Mind. Time and space are no longer hurdles to them. The first rule of overcoming time and space is the realization that they are false conceptions of the mortal mind and may be transcended by identifying with the Consciousness of God within Man. Thinking divinely implies thinking like God.

• Knowing that humor and simplicity are divine qualities that need to be expressed
The higher one goes on the scale of evolution and the greater one becomes in spirituality, the more simple, child-like, and humorous one becomes. Immortals do not take themselves seriously, they know that every effort has its worth. Although the higher spiritual, and Cosmic beings are sweet and simple as compared to the psychological complexities of man, when it comes to the direction of planetary affairs of evolution, their wisdom and intelligence are far beyond the degree reached by humanity. Being simple and humorous eliminates many egoic qualities and raises one's consciousness to a higher spiritual plane. Seeing the humor in one's mistakes, expressions, and failures re-conditions and re-programs the conscious and subconscious minds with patterns of thought expressive of one's divine state of being.

• Seeing perfection
While the dualistic mind sees imperfection everywhere, the Divine Mind only knows and visualizes perfection, beauty, purity, and goodness. Whatever we see, visualize and believe we maintain our focus and attention upon it. If we continuously look for imperfection we maintain its illusory existence in our consciousness. Energy follows thought. By thinking in terms of imperfection we eventually manifest that state or condition in the world of form. Conversely, if we were to visualize perfection we would be manifesting and out-picturing the divine archetypes that God has formulated in the celestial worlds upon the earthly plane. This is the manifestation of Heaven on Earth. Divine thinking entails manifesting one's immortal state, not simply in a spiritual, psychological manner, but in a physical fashion as well. By constantly visualizing, and believing in one's immortality we would eventually display it.

• Making love the basis of one's habitual thought pattern and processes
Thinking divinely like an Immortal entails expressing the various virtues of Love, such as tolerance, kindness, benevolence, mercy, goodness, and purity. Our relationship with others, with Nature and with God should be motivated by the force of unconditional and impersonal Love. Think, speak, and relate to others with love. The power of the spoken word is expressed through the power of the Heart. Love is divine, and by expressing love we reveal and expose our divinity--the glory of God for all to see. Love, Life and Light transmutes our physical being at cellular and atomic levels. They transform and transfigure our being into a radiant vessel of Christ ("Nur Muhammad").

What are the benefits of divine thinking? Summarily, divine thinking unfolds the divine potentials lying latent or dormant within us. It contributes to the expansion of one's consciousness and the transmutation of one's lower mortal expression into a higher divine manifestation. Divine thinking liberates us from the wheel of rebirth and the transcendence of the realms of relativity. Physical immortality is a spiritual potential and divine thinking is a prime requisite in creating this possibility. Divine thinking raises us up to the level of the gods, it increase the rate of our personal vibrations or frequency to the energy-levels of the Adepts and Masters. Our personal evolution is accelerated as a result of thinking like an Immortal or a god. Human imperfection can only be surmounted by expressing the divine perfection within us. The first step that leads to this is Divine thinking.
Serapis Bey: "Men cannot build immortal bodies out of mortal substance. They cannot build out of mortal thoughts immortal ideas. They cannot build out of mortal feelings divine feelings that enfold the world and create the great Pyramid of Life."
Copyright © 2001 Luxamore

Angelic Names and Their Dhikr

Angelic Names and Their Dhikr
Call Upon Them
" Its Not What you know but Who You Know"
Their Praises to The King of All Universes


Healing For: Sadness, grief, depression

Depression is a sickness of heart and soul made possible only through heedlessness. Arina’il
Heaven from copper and has named it Zaytun
Subhanal-mujibi liman da’ahu.
(Praise be to the Giver of all things, the generous Bestower,
Praise to the Opener of All Ways, the All-Knowing,
Praise to Him who answers all prayers.)”
Subhana-lladhi la mafarra wa la malja’a minhu illa ilayhi,
(Praised be the Almighty Creator,
Praise be to Him from whom there is no escape and no refuge but in Him; Praised be the Highest of All.)

Angel Habib “Weeps for the Sinners and Prays for Mercy Upon Them"
The angel appointed as their head and overseer was called Ra’ad (which means thunder). He is responsible for the clouds and the rains.
Subhana man laysa ka-mithlihi shay’in.
(Praise be to the Highest King; Glory to the High, the Mighty; Glory to Him who is unlike any other.)
Subbuhun quddus Rabbuna wa Rabb-al-mala’ikati wa-r-ruh
(Praised be He with exalted praise, He who is holier than holy, our Lord and the Lord of the angels.)”
I beheld a number of angels created from wind and water. The angel appointed as their head and overseer was called Ra’ad (which means thunder). He is responsible for the clouds and the rains.
Ya man allafa bayna-th-thalji wa-n-nar, allif bayna qulubi ‘ibadikal-mu’minin.
(Oh Thou who hast joined the snow and the fire, unite Thou also the hearts of Thy believing servants.)

Angel Quroos The Rooster
This angel who has the form of a rooster descends to the earthly skies when it is night, and this is his Tasbih Subhanal-malikil-quddus,
La ilaha ill’Allah-al-hayy-al-qayyum.
(Glory to the All-Holy King,
Glory to the Great and Exalted God,
There is no God but Allah, the Ever-Living, Eternally Abiding.)
Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim, La ilaha ill’Allah, Muhammadan Rasulullah.
Kullu shay’in halikun illa wajhahu, al-Wahid ul-Qahhar.
(In the Name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the All-Compassionate. There is no God but Allah; Muhammad is Allah’s Messenger. All must perish save His Divine Countenance, He who is One, the All-Vanquishing.)
“At every prayer time, this angel would raise his head and repeat the glorification:
Bismillahil-‘azhim wa bi-hamdihi
(In the Name of Allah, the Mighty and in Praise of Him.)
“His Tasbih was thus:
Subhanaka, ma a’zhama sha’nuka.
(Praise be to Thee, how great is Thy Glory!)

Angel Mikha’il
Subhana-llahi kullama sabbaha-llaha musabbihun,
wal-hamdu lillahi kullama hamid-allaha hamidun
wa la ilaha illAllahu kullama hallala-llaha muhallilun
wallahu akbaru kullama kabbara-llaha mukabbirun.
(Glory be to Allah whenever the glorifier glorifies Him;
And praised be He whenever the praiser praises Him;
There is no God but He each time this Tahlil is recited;
And Allah is Greatest each time this Takbir is affirmed.)

They remained always in this position and recited this Tasbih:
Subhanal-warithul-wasi’u-lladhi yudrikul-absar;
Subhana-lladhi la tudrikuhul-absar;

(Praised be He, the Heir Universal who sees, the All-Discerning;
Praised be He whom our eyes cannot perceive;
Praised be the Majestic, the All-Knowing.)
Subhana Rabbi kulli MU'MINN wa kafirin,
Subhana man tada’u min haybatihi ma fi butunihal-hawamil.
(Glory be to the Lord of every believer and every infidel;
Glory to Him, from awe of whom pregnant women bring forth what is in their wombs.)”
“The glorification of the angel Mikha’il is this:

(Glory be to the Highest Lord.)”

According to one narration he r is to have said: “If a person perseveres along his life in reciting this Tasbih, ‘Subhana Rabbil-‘Ala’, when his time to die has come, the angel Mikha’il will send the Angel of Mercy to him with a gift. He who is visited in his grave by the Angel of Mercy is made safe from the punishment of the grave.”
On account of this vision, the Holy Muhammad {s} included this Tasbih in his Sunna, since Muslims recite this phrase in every Sajda, so that they may ultimately reach to this felicity.
The Holy Muhammad {s} then continued:
“After this we reached a luminous green sea where there was a multitude of angels - Allah Almighty alone knows their number – and their Tasbih was this:
(Glory be to the Mighty, the All-Powerful;
Glory to the Most Generous of the Generous,
Glory to the Glorious, the Illustrious.)
“I then asked, ‘What sea is this?’ and Jibra’il told me, ‘The name of this sea is ‘Bahr-al-Akhdar’, the Green Sea.’

Prophet {Isa} Jesus and John {Yahya}
“The Tasbih of ‘Isa Jesus {as} was this:
(Praised be to the All-Compassionate, the All-bounteous;
Praised be the Eternal, Never-Ending;
Praised be He who creates from nothing, then causes to die
and returns to its previous state.)
“Each tongue glorified the Lord as follows:
Subhanallahi wa bi-hamdihi;
Subhanallahil-azhim wa bi-hamdihi,
(Praise be to the Creator, the Glorious;
Praise be to the All-Powerful, All-Knowing;
Praise be to Allah and glorified be He;
Praise be to Allah the Magnificent and glorified be He,
I beseech Allah for forgiveness.)

Angel Qasim
This is the angel who is charged with the distribution of provisions
Subhana-llahi wa bi-hamdihi,
Subhana-llahil-azhim wa bi-hamdihi
wa istaghfirullah.
(Praise be to Allah and glorified be He;
Praise be to Allah the Magnificent and glorified be He,
I beseech Allah for forgiveness.)
Prophet Joseph {as}
“His Tasbih was this:
(Praised be the Most Bounteous of the Bountiful;
Praised be the Greatest of the Great;
Praised be the Peerless, Unique;
Praised be Eternal, Never-Ending.)
Prophet Da’ud and his son Suleiman {as} Subhana khaliqi-n-nur; {7Veil,Rajab}
Subhana malikil-mulk ,
Subhana man ilayhi tasir-al-umur.

Angel Soha’il Subhana man huwa fauqal-jabbarin;
Subhanal-musalliti fauqal-musallitin;
Subhanal-muntaqimi mim-man asahu.
(Glory to Him who is above all oppressors;
Glory to Him who attacks all attackers;
Glory to Him who takes revenge on whomever disobeys Him.)
“After this, I beheld a Sea of Fire surrounded on its shores by fierce and terrible angels. ‘What is this?’ I asked, and Jibra’il explained to me, ‘This sea is the ‘Sea of Sa’q’ (Lighting),
Angel Malik This is the Guardian of Jahannam (Hell)
“His head was bowed forward and he recited this Tasbih:
Subhana-lladhi la yajuru wa huwal-malik-al-Jabbar;
Subhanal-muntaqimu min ‘ada’ihi,
Subhanal-mu’ti li-man yasha’a,
Subhana man laysa ka-mithlihi shay’un.
(Praised be He who commits not injustice
and He is the Almighty, Omnipotent King;
Glory to Him who triumphs in revenge over His foes,
Praised be He who bestows on whomever He wilt;
Glory to Him who is unlike anything.)

Angel Salsa’il Subhana khaliq-iz-zulumati wa-n-nur,
Subhana khaliq-ish-shamsi wal-qamar-il-munir,
(Praise be to the Creator of darkness and light,
Praise be to the Creator of the sun and the shining moon;
Praise be to the Highest of the High.)
Subbuhun quddus, Rabbun-ar-Rahman-ar-Rahim illadhi la ilaha illa huwa.
(Glorified be our Lord, the All-Holy, the All-Compassionate,
The All-Merciful, besides whom there is no other god.)

Prophets Idris and Nuh Subhanal-mujibi-s-sa’ilin,
Subhana qabzil-jabbarin,
Subhana-lladhi ‘ala fa la yablughu ‘uluwwahu ahad.
(Glorified be He who answers those who ask of Him,
Praised be He who constrains the tyrants,
Praised be He whose lofty height none can reach but He.)
The Tasbih of the Prophet Nuh was this

(Glory be to God, the Living and Gentle,
Glory to God, the True and Munificent,
Glory to God, the Powerful and Wise.)
Angel Kalqa’il Quddusun quddus Rabb-al-arbab,
Subhana Rabbinal-‘alal-‘azham,
Quddusun Rabb-al-malaikati wa-r-ruh

(Holy, Holy, the Lord of All Lords!
Glory to our Lord, the Lofty, the Majestic!
All-Holy the Lord of the angels and the spirit.)

“Having passed by these angels, I came upon another flock, and Allah alone knows their number. These were seated in an attitude of perfect devotion in the posture of Qa’da, never raising their gaze from their knees as they recited this Tasbih:
Subhana Dhil-fadhlil-akbar
Subhanal-‘adl illadhi la yajur.
(Praise be to the Possessor of Greatest Grace.
Praise be to the Perfectly Just One who wrongs none.)
Prophets Isma’il, Ishaq, Ya’qub, Lut and Harun Subhana man la yasiful-wasifuna ‘azhmatahu wa muntahahu
Subhana man hada’at lahu-r-riqab wa dhallat lahu-s-sifaq.
(Glory to Him before the Extremity of whose Majesty all attempts
at description must pale,
Glory to Him before whom princes bow their heads and the
brazen are humbled).

Angel Samkha’il this Heaven from a yellow gem and has called it Khalisa. Subhanal-Karim, subhana-n-Nur-al-mubin,
Subhana-lladhi huwa ilahu man fi-s-samawati wa ilahu man fil-ard.
(Glory be to the Munificent, Glory to the Unmistakable Light,
Glory to Him who is God of all that is in the heavens and on the earth.)
Prophet Musa Subhanal-Hadi man yasha’u.
Subhanal-Mudillu man yasha’u;
(Glory be to Him who leads to righteousness whomsoever He will;
Glory to Him who leads astray whom He will;
Glory to the All-Forgiving, the All-Merciful.)
Angel is Afra’il
7th Heaven is Ghariba
Subhana-lladhi sataha-s-samawati wa rafa’aha,
Subhana-lladhi basatal-arda wa farashaha,
Subhana-lladhi atla’al-kawakiba wa azharaha,
Subhana-lladhi arsal-jibala wa haya’ha.
(Glory be to Him who has fashioned the skies as a roof and raised them aloft;
Glory to Him who has flattened the earth and fitted it accordingly;
Glory to Him who brought forth the stars and made them to be adornments;
Glory to Him who has set up the mountains and fixed them in their places.)”

Subhanal-muhtajibi bi jalalihi,
Subhanal-musawwiri fil-arhami ma yasha’u.
(Glory be to Him who is veiled by His Majesty,
Glory be to Him who forms in the womb whatever He wills.)
Subhanaka ma ‘azhama sha’nuka,
Subhanaka ma ’azhama makanuka,
Subhanaka sayyidi ma arhamaka bi khalqika.
(Be Thou glorified, how immense is Thy dignity!
Glory be to Thee, how high is Thy station!
Glory to Thee, my Lord, how great Thy Mercy on Thine creation!)

Angel Israfil Subhana-s-sami’-al-‘alim,
Subhanal-muhtajibi ‘an khalqihi,
Subhana Rabbina wa ta’ala.
(Glory be to Him, the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing,
Glory be to Him who is veiled from His Creation,
Glorified and exalted be He, our Lord Almighty.)
Prophet Abraham Subhanallahi wal-hamdu-lillahi
wa la ilaha ill-Allahu wallahu akbar,
wa la hawla wa la quwwata illa billahil-aliyyil-azhim.{ Salatul Tasbih}
(Glory be to Allah and Praise;
None is worthy of worship but Allah alone, and Allah is Most Great!
There is no Might and no Power save with Allah, the Exalted, Majestic.)
Tell them to recite this Du’a (prayer), for each time they recite it, a tree is planted in Paradise.’

Hakikat Karamah

Hakikat Karamah

Fatwa Syeikh Abul Hasan Asy Syadzili

Soal Karamah yang dilimpahkan oleh Allah kepada para auliya' seringkali ditentang oleh mereka yang anti dunia sufi. Mereka menganggap Karamah itu seperti sihir, bahkan termasuk kategori khurafat dan zindiq. Padahal Karamah adalah bentuk lain dari sesuatu yang luar biasa, jika itu turun kepada Nabi dan Rasul disebut Mu'jizat, tetapi karena diturunkan kepada para wali maka disebut Karamah.

Pada era terakhir ini muncul di berbagai media massa sejumlah iklan yang menonjolkan istilah Karamah, misalnya, Ilmu Karomah, Kadigdayan Karamah, Karamah Sejati, dan sebagainya. Sebenarnya, istilah yang disebarluaskan dalam iklan tersebut sama sekali bukan masuk dalam istilah Karamah para sufi atau para wali. Karena itu perlu ekstra hati-hati untuk melihat dan memandang apakah keluarbiasaan seseorang itu bersifat Karamah atau sekadar Ilmu Jin, atau Ilmu Hikmah. Semuanya berbeda, walau pun punya kemiripan.

Banyak sekali kisah al-Qur'an yang mengilustrasikan Karamah itu sendiri. Misalnya kisah-kisah Maryam, Ibunda Nabiyullah Isa as, seperti dalam surat ali Imran 37: "Maka Tuhannya menerima (nazarnya) dengan penerimaan yang baik dan mendidiknya dengan pendidikannya yang baik, dan Allah menjadikan Zakaria pemeliharanya. Setiap Zakaria masuk untuk menemui Maryam di Mihrab ia dapati makanan di sisinya. Zakaria berkata, "Hai Maryam dari mana kamu memperoleh (makanan) ini?" Maryam menjawab, "Makanan itu dari sisi Allah." Sesungguhnya Allah memberi rizki kepada siapa yang dikehendaki-Nya tanpa terhitung."
Pada surat lain, misalnya Maryam 25 disebutkan, "Dan goyanglah pangkal pohon kurma itu ke arahmu niscaya pohon itu akan menggugurkan buah kurma yang masak kepadamu."

Sementara itu dalam hadits Nabi, soal Karamah itu juga dijelaskan, misalnya, riwayat Abu Hurairah dari Nabi SAW bersabda: "Tak ada bayi yang bicara kecuali tiga bayi: Isa bin Maryam, seorang bayi di zaman Juraij dan seorang lainnya….dst." Juga kisah Ashabul Kahfi.

Sedangkan Amirul Mu'minin ra pernah berucap, "Wahai pasukan! Awas bukit…awas bukit…!" diucapkan di tengah-tengah Umar bin Khaththab sedang berkhutbah jum'at. Suara Umar ketika itu didengar oleh pasukan yang sedang bertempur sengit di medan laga saat itu.

Proses-proses munculnya Karamah adalah sebagaimana munculnya Mu'jizat. Bisa muncul karena doa seseorang, bisa karena muncul tiba-tiba secara luar biasa. Namun, hakikatnya Karamah itu, bukan saja sesuatu yang muncul dengan kedahsyatan. Seseorang bisa menahan kesabarannya, ketika harus marah besar, bisa disebut sebagai Karamah Allah atas orang itu.

Kebajikan-kebajikan dan barakah-barakah para sufi terhadap para pengikutnya juga bisa disebut Karamah. Namun munculnya Karamah itu bukan atas usaha seseorang yang disertai ilmu-ilmu tertentu atau dzikir tertentu supaya Karamah bisa datang. Dan ciri-ciri orang yang punya Karamah itu tentu berbeda dengan orang yang punya ilmu hikmah. Kalau Karamah mesti tumbuh dari para sufi, sementara ilmu hikmah muncul dari kalangan ahli hikmah, yaitu mereka yang menguasai ilmu-ilmu tertentu yang bisa mendatangkan keluarbiasaan. Derajatnya pasti jauh, dan Karamah berada di tempat yang sangat luhur.

Tetapi di dalam perjalanan sufi menuju kepada Allah, seseorang dilarang mencari Karamah. "Uthlubil istiqamah walaa tahlubil Karamah." (Carilah istiqamah, dan jangan mencari Karamah). Karena hakikat Karamah itu adalah istiqamah itu sendiri. Orang yang bisa istiqamah akan mendapatkan Karamah, tetapi orang yang mencari Karamah belum tentu dapat Karamah sekaligus juga belum tentu bisa istiqamah.


By Aisha Musa

Hadith are such an integral part of traditional Islam in all its variations, that when someone suggests that the Qur’an alone should serve as the source of religious law and guidance for Muslims, the idea is usually met with shock and amazement. So, those who advocate following the Qur’an alone must address the issue of hadith.

The Arabic word "hadith," means a story, or saying. Any story, or saying, from anyone. For traditional Muslims, it has come to mean specifically a story or saying told about, or attributed to the prophet Muhammad.

Discussions of hadith have traditionally focused on the question of authenticity. This is true of discussions among those who advocate following hadith and between them and those who advocate following the Qur’an alone. God willing, we will see how this focus on the question of authenticity has overshadowed other crucial questions about hadith.

For traditional Muslims the focus on authenticity is an attempt to insure that people can judge the veracity and reliability of hadiths, in order to determine which are valid as sources of law and guidance.

Early Muslim scholars took great pains to compile biographical information on the people who allegedly narrated and transmitted the hadiths in order to determine those who were to be considered reliable from those who were not. Only reports passed on by supposedly trustworthy individuals are to be considered authentic, and hence valid. The question of whether or not Muslims have always be true to their stated standards is a separate issue that I will not address here. What is important here is the fact that the question of authenticity is of primary importance in their understanding and acceptance of hadith.

Many of those who advocate following the Qur’an also focus on the question of authenticity when debating the use of hadiths. They do so by challenging the authenticity of all hadiths and thereby, the validity of following them. Their challenge to the authenticity is of hadith is based primarily on the fact that the first so-called "sahih," or "sound, authentic" collections of the hadith were written over 200 years after the death of Muhammad. Encouraged by the work of prominent, non-Muslim western scholars have also questioned the authenticity of hadiths on the same basis, those who advocate following the Qur’an alone assert that hadith should not be followed because they are late fabrications, with no connection to Muhammad.

In response to the original challenge posed by non-Muslim scholarship, Muslim scholars have worked diligently to uncover the earliest possible written sources of hadith and have some which they date to the middle of the second century after hijra, about 100 years before the writing of the so-called sahih collections. This together with early histories which talk about the first generations of Muslims writing and relating hadiths, leads scholars sympathetic to hadiths to conclude that even without actual physical specimens of written hadiths from those early generations, it is reasonable to accept that hadiths had been transmitted both orally and in writing from the beginning.

The historical record has not provided clear evidence that can prove or disprove the early transmission of hadiths. So, each side accepts and argues the information that best supports its view; and the authenticity debate rages on.

But is authenticity the real question we should be addressing? Does it deserve to be the central focus in the discussions of hadith? Let us now turn, God willing, to the other questions that are often overshadowed by the question of authenticity.

The Qur’an poses a number of questions related to hadith. By considering them, God willing, we can put the question of authenticity in it’s proper perspective.

Among the questions the Qur’an poses in relation to hadith are:

"In which hadith after this will they believe?" (al-A`araaf [7]:185).

"These are God’s revelations we recite to you in truth. Then, in which hadith after God and His revelations will they believe?" (al-Jatheya [45]:6).

We understand the import of these questions from yet another question posed in the Qur’an:
"Shall I seek other than God as a source of law and judgment when He is the One who has sent down the Book to you in detail?" (al-An`am [6]:114).


"What is wrong with you? How do you judge? Do you have another book which you study?" (al-Qalam [68]:35-36).

These are the real questions that deserve to be the central focus in the discussions about hadith. If we answer these questions in the negative (i.e. "No, I shall not." and "None."), then we see that the question of authenticity does not merely become secondary-it becomes moot.

If we seek only God and His revelations as a source of law and guidance, and do not believe in any hadith other than God’s revelations, it makes no difference if a hadith is authentic, or not. The Qur’an does not ask if hadith is authentic. The Qur’an asks if it is "other than God and His revelations." Even if we have absolute proof that a hadith came from the messenger, even if we may have heard it directly from the lips of the messenger, with our own ears, it is still "other than God and His revelations." Therefore, in light of 6:114 and 45:6 it is invalid as a source of law and guidance.

Not only are hadith, even authentic hadith, invalid as a source of law and guidance, they can be a source of misguidance. It is obvious that hadith with negative content, such as those that call for stoning adulterers, are a source of misguidance. But what about hadith with positive content?

Mainstream Muslims of all schools of thought insist that hadith are necessary for a number of reasons. Among the most important reasons, is that without hadith we cannot properly understand the Qur’an. Hadith, they say, shed light on the Qur’an. But God tells us that the Qur’an is light (4:174, 42:52). Can the hadith shed light on the Qur’an which is light?

Can the moon shed light on the sun? No, for the moon only reflects the light cast by the sun. Likewise, any light in found in any hadith from the messenger is no more than a reflection of the light in the Qur’an.

The moon is only visible when our side of the earth is turned away from the sun. When the sun is above us, the moon is no longer visible. But if the moon moves between us and the sun, we find ourselves in the darkness of an eclipse. During an eclipse, the moon which reflects the light of the sun when we are turned away from the sun, now cuts us off from the light of the sun.

For a believer, the Qur’an is as the sun which never sets. Hadith, any and all hadith, are as the moon. If we turn toward the hadith, we turn away from the Qur’an. If we let the hadith come between us and the Qur’an, we will find ourselves in the darkness of a spiritual eclipse, cut off from the light of the Qur’an.